
Free advanced DDoS protection for all Keyweb customers

In recent years, the extent and risk of cyber attacks has increased enormously. It is becoming more and more important to build the online presence or the company IT on a stable basis on the one hand and to take the necessary technical and organisational measures to protect the systems from cyber criminals on the other hand.

Hacker in front of a screen with binary numbers

For this reason, we repeatedly point out the importance of various security measures, such as regular backups or IT security tests, and would like to raise awareness of them once again at this point.

As it is our claim to always offer our customers a particularly secure foundation for their IT infrastructure or online presence, we have activated the extended DDoS protection of the security service provider Voxility on the network level for them free of charge.

This professional security solution also fends off attacks with particularly high bandwidth in seconds before they can reach the network. Thus, all Keyweb customers will now receive Voxility DDoS Protection at network level for their hosting or server product free of charge, provided there are no individual reasons to the contrary.

Press contact

Annika Sandig

Head of Marketing & PR

Neuwerkstraße 45/46, 99084 Erfurt