
KeyHelp® 14.6.2 - Service Update with new Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes

by Alexander Mahr

In the next days your KeyHelp server will be equipped with the latest version of our administration panel.

This version offers among others the following new options:

  • Configurable antivirus scanner.
    This option is disabled by default and can be activated by you via “Settings” → "update intervals" or "Settings" → "Server settings".
  • The subdomain "webmail. " is now available for all with KeyHelp configured domains and directs you to the webmail program RoundCube.
    The manner of forwarding can be changed under "Settings" → "Panel".
  • Sending mass email messages to all users on the server.
    This menu item can be found under "Other" → "Mass email message".

Furthermore, bug fixes and enhancements were implemented, for example including:

  • The displayed progress of backups has not been refreshed, so that backups may not be completed in such a case.
  • The database connection of KeyHelp is now designed more failsafe and can react accordingly in possibly occurring disconnects, resulting in an increased overall stability for KeyHelp.
  • Self-Signed SSL Certificates are now created using secure hash algorithms (sha256), in addition to the extra security, it resolves issues with Google mail services / Google Chrome version 50, which had problems with the old certificates under some circumstances.

An overview of all changes can be found here

With this version, unfortunately the support of KeyHelp for Ubuntu 16.04 will be stopped for the moment.

The Ubuntu development team decided for the current PHP7 version, shortly before the release of the final Ubuntu 16.04 edition. Although PHP7 is fully supported by KeyHelp, the third-party source code encryption software ionCube is not. This software, however, is mandatory for the operation of KeyHelp.

According to the ionCube development team we can expect a compatible version in the next 6 months.

Changes to configuration files

The folder structure within the folder "/etc/apache2" changes with this update.

All KeyHelp relevant data are now in the subfolder "/etc/apache2/keyhelp/".

The KeyHelp update routine takes care of a smooth relocation of your files, even if they were protected with chattr + i.

# user vhosts
Include keyhelp/vhosts/*.conf

The following instructions are only relevant if you have protected your configuration files with "chattr +i". Otherwise, the changes are automatically performed by the KeyHelp update routine.

Open the file "/etc/apache/keyhelp/keyhelp.conf" and find the following line:

For Apache version 2.2 [Ubtuntu 12.04]

# user vhosts
Include keyhelp/vhosts/*.conf

For Apache version 2.4 [Ubtuntu 14.04 / Debian8]

# user vhosts
IncludeOptional keyhelp/vhosts/*.conf

For both versions of Apache, the same applies, add directly below the following code

# webmail subdomain
Include keyhelp/webmail.conf

Then reload the Apache configuration with the command:

service apache2 reload