Together with our customers, we succeeded in generating a donation of 750 € last month, which will benefit the "Pausi" project of "DIE BUNTEN SCHAFE e.V." association. With this amount, a school child who previously came to school without any lunch can be provided with a healthy breakfast for one year. This week, the donation was handed over to Cornelia Rauscher from the association "DIE BUNTEN SCHAFE e.V.".
5 € of the revenue generated by the order of each dedicated server in October was donated to the fundraising campaign. Thus, all customers who requested such a server last month – consciously or unconsciously – supported the donation to the "Pausi" project.
After the end of the campaign, the amount was rounded up to 750 € by Keyweb AG, so that this makes it possible to provide a child with lunch for a complete year. The actual distribution of the donation is decided by the association in consultation with the supported school.
We would like to thank all our customers who participated in our fundraising campaign in October. It was a special concern for us to support the younger members of our society once again during the current situation.
Neuwerkstraße 45/46, 99084 Erfurt